Jacobsen and Jurgens are Club Champions

Mark Jacobsen won an incredible 21st Club Singles Championship today, after surviving a dogged effort from Stuart Pyers, who was searching for his first ever Singles title. Stuart jumped Mark early with some outstanding draw bowling, seizing the advantage on the preferred side of Rink 2 and making it difficult for Mark to score. After …
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McKerihen is ‘The Grand Master’

After a tense final two games, Kelly McKerihen, recent World Singles bronze medalist and Canada’s No.1 player, has spectacularly become the second woman to win Brighton’s prestigious 2017 ‘Grand Master’ tournament. She follows in the footsteps of State representative Gail Edwards, who won in 2014. Coming into the 7th and final game of the two …
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Vale Nance Wagland and Geoff Sutherland

Sad news last week with the passing of Nance Wagland (9/12) and Geoff Sutherland (10/12). Both unfortunately had not been enjoying the best of health in recent times. They, along with their spouses, were long standing members of our Club, and they will be sadly missed. The Club passes on its sincerest condolences to their …
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Gary Crole / Alan Topp on the improve

What started out as relatively simple heart stent surgery for Gary Crole, turned into major triple bypass surgery, and another couple of weeks in hospital. The great news is that Gary is well and truly on the mend, and hopes to be bowling back after the Xmas/New Year break. And he’s lost a few kilos throughout …
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